Thank you for your interest in The First Congregational Church of Greenwich. First Church was the founding church for the Town of Greenwich. We are a progressive, open and affirming congregation that honors the past, celebrates the present, and leans forward into the future.

First Church holds both in-person and live streamed services. All our services are also available to view on our YouTube and Facebook pages. We encourage you to participate in whatever way is most comfortable for you.

M E E T   T H E   P A S T O R S


Reverend Patrick Collins
Senior Pastor
(Click for bio)


Reverend Cydney Van Dyke
Associate Pastor
(Click for bio)

First Church Connects With You:

Watch our 10 am Sunday worship service Livestream

Download a copy of each Sunday’s bulletin

To receive our Friday email,

For our Sunday phone streaming service, call (833) 318-3375

3 Ways to give Online:

Click HERE to access the online giving webpage.

Using your Smartphone messaging app, text FCCOG Donate to 73256.

Scan the QR code below using your Smartphone’s QR reader:

Please Click HERE to see our Giving webpage. There is a new PLEDGE FORM at the top of it.

Preschool: Enrolling Now for the 2025-2026 School Year. To apply for the 2025-2026 school year please complete the enrollment form below. For additional information and to schedule a tour, please contact Melanie at MelanieG@fccog.org. CLICK HERE.

Find our new self-guided audio tours HERE.

Worship is now mask-optional.

The Rummage Room‘s store open and donation hours are
Monday – Thursday  11am – 3pm.
Closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 

Click here to register for Church School A Vibrant Church School on Sunday mornings and a caring program for your babies and toddlers.