Regular and Holiday Services

church come unto me door winterIt is something of a misnomer to refer to 10 am Worship as “regular” because while the order of service is often the same from week to week (though with notable exceptions), the content of the services can vary widely. There is frequently special music from one of our several choirs, our preachers each have a unique style and services are punctuated with humor, heartfelt prayers and thoughtful liturgies.

But whatever happens on Sunday here at First Congregational Church, worship is at the center of who we are as a congregation.

We would love for you to join us.

Advent and Christmas

Advent is a season in the Christian calendar that anticipates the birth of Christ. During this time, advent candles are lit by members of the congregation as we prepare for the coming of God in the person of Jesus. On Christmas Eve, there are four services:

  • At 10 am we hold a Children’s Service especially designed for younger children and their families. Live nativity with Jesus gift offerings*.
  • At 3 pm there is a Family Service with “Once in Royal David’s City” nativity pageant with Jesus gift offerings*.
  • At 6 pm there is a Service of Carols with “Once in Royal David’s City” nativity pageant, with Brass ensemble and special music by the Chancel Choir.  Jesus gift offerings*.
  • At 9 pm there is a Festival Carol Candlelight Service led by the Youth/Alumni.  There is communion by intinction.
  • There is no service on Christmas Day unless it falls on a Sunday.

*Jesus Gifts are clothing, toys, books or other useful items wrapped in white paper. The white paper gives the illusion of snow under the trees in the Meetinghouse. Ribbon and bows are not necessary.

Holy Week and Easter

  • An Ash Wednesday Service is held.
  • A Palm Sunday Service is held at 10 am the Sunday before Easter.
  • On Maundy Thursday, people gather for a special dinner at 6 pm in the Auditorium followed by a special service of worship at 7 pm.
  • On Good Friday, there is a Service of Music and Meditations beginning at 8 pm.
  • Also on Good Friday, at noon, the senior high young people carry a cross to Greenwich Point for use during the Sunrise Service on Easter morning.
  • An Easter Sunrise Service is held at Greenwich Point beginning just before sunrise.
  • There are two Easter Services held in the Meetinghouse on Easter Sunday, one at 9 am and one at 11 am.