Church Council

Church Council     Senior Lay Leaders since 1950    


The Church Council formulates church policies and makes all program and financial decisions. Led by the Chair, the Church Council consists of the Senior Pastor, the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, the Church Clerk and heads of major committees.
The Church Council began on July 1, 2016 as a merger of the Church Committee and the Board of Trustees.

Church Council, 2024-2025:
Lynn Hawxhurst,
Chair and Senior Deacon

Chris Cantwell,
Asset Management
Cynthia De Riemer,
Welcoming Co-Chair*
rev-patrick-collinsRev. Patrick Collins,
Senior Pastor
Anders Ekernas,
Laura Erickson,
Lauren Ghaffari,
Outreach Co-Chair*
Lynn Robertson, Assistant Treasurer Sarah Schneider,
Faith Formation and Education Co-Chair*
Debra Silverthorn,
Linnea Stenberg,
Caring Ministries
Philip Wentworth,
Annual Giving
Tom White,
Buildings & Grounds
Carol Woodman,
*Co-chairs who are alternates to the Council meetings for their committee:
Faith Formation and Education – Donna Hascher, Outreach – Meg Dempsey and Welcoming – Betsy Kreuter