Regional Youth Ministry

See the new RYM website!



What is Regional Youth Ministry?

Regional Youth Ministry (RYM) is a collaborative effort to serve local middle and high school youth in a faith-filled space while providing opportunities to deepen their faith, grow in servanthood, and strengthen relationships with one another and our community. The RYM effort will be intentionally youth-influenced and youth-empowering, beginning in Grade 6 and going through Grade 12.

Why Regional Youth Ministry?

The dream of the RYM effort is that it is for any and all churches, community organizations, and/or individual youth who want to be a part of a fun, inclusive, and faith-based youth group. The goal and hope for participating churches/groups is to support that work as they are able so that it is collectively resourced. The creation of an Advisory Group will also contribute to the shared nature of this RYM with representatives from each participating group to provide the Director with feedback, support, and volunteer help. 

How will Regional Youth Ministry work?

It’s new, so it will naturally adapt and grow as we endeavor in it.
What is known:
It is for the youth: what they say they want and need, we’ll do our best to provide.
It will be rooted in faith and the love of God for all.
It will be inclusive of all and strives to be Open & Affirming and Anti-racist.
The where, when, and what might look different from week to week/month to month.
The youth will decide!

Has this kind of ministry been done before?

Yes! And it is becoming a much more common model of youth ministry in today’s world. In order to support this youth ministry model in Greenwich, we are already connected to a cohort of people who lead multi-church and community-based youth groups. Proudly among them is former FCCOG member and youth, Rev. Jack Perkins Davidson. A smattering of other places to look to as examples of this work are Oasis Youth Group in New Haven, and groups in Hartford and Southington, CT; Hopewell Youth Collective in Princeton, NJ; and groups in Walpole and Dover/Sherborn, MA.

Who is leading this Regional Youth Ministry?

Khaleigh (“kay-lee”) Laicher, is a lay leader from North Texas with seven years of experience leading children’s and youth ministry. Read more about her HERE!