Parish Nurse

Our Parish Nurse, Sue Asselin, RN, has been involved in community health nursing and home care for nearly 20 years. Originally from Massachusetts, she earned her Associate of Science degree in Nursing from Springfield Technical Community College and a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Public Health from University of Massachusetts in Amherst.

Sue is available on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and most Sundays for health consultations, blood pressure screenings, and referrals to community resources. She’s always willing to lend a compassionate ear. With help from the Wellness committee, Sue arranges health promotion events such as lectures and flu vaccine clinics. For more information about the Parish Nurse program please stop by room 203 or call Sue at 203-637-1791 ext. 21.

When not busy with parish nursing, Sue is involved in health promotion activities for Community Health at Greenwich Hospital, as well as hospice nursing for Greenwich Hospital Home Hospice. Sue resides in Riverside with Shawn, her husband of 20 years, and their three children.