Cydney is a 2013 graduate of Ursinus College and a 2016 graduate of Harvard Divinity School. After Harvard she was called as an Associate Pastor at New Goshenhoppen UCC, East Greenville, Pennsylvania (about 50 miles northwest of Philadelphia), where she has been for the last four years. Cydney views being an Associate Pastor as its own special calling, not merely a step to becoming a senior or solo pastor. She looks forward to bringing her dedication and passion for worship, interfaith initiatives, youth ministry, pastoral care, and teamwork to FCCOG, and being a partner in collaboration with Patrick and the congregation in the visioning of what it means to be a church in the 21st century. She also continues to widen her professional development as a member of the UCC’s “Next Generation Leadership Initiative”, a program that equips, energizes and empowers young UCC clergy to build vibrant congregations and further God’s mission in the world. In addition to her many pastoral gifts, Cydney’s genuine, warm, positive, caring and outgoing personality is a true joy.