Child Care

Child Care for Babies and Toddlers


Welcome to Child Care at First Congregational Church. We hope your child will spend many happy hours with us on Sunday mornings.

Every Sunday during the 10 am worship service, our Baby Nursery and Toddler Room are staffed by adults and teenagers. There is always at least one adult in our Baby Nursery who looks forward to caring for your newborn to 1 year old.  We have a rocking chair, port-a-crib, changing station, and age-appropriate toys and books in the nursery.

We have one paid staff in our Toddler Room who is a Preschool teacher and gives supervision, direction and support to the volunteers – both adult and high school age – who so happily look after our 1–2 year olds.  In the Toddler Room, the children play, sing and listen to stories.  In addition, they begin the practice of saying simple prayers and graces prior to our snack time. We have a silent beeper system so you can always be contacted on the rare occasion we or your child should need you before the end of worship.

If you would like to be on the mailing/email list for our Children’s Programs, please give us your contact information and the ages or grades of your child(ren) by emailing our Director, Cydney Van Dyke at or just complete our online Family Information Form to be added to our email list and/or to register for Church School.

You are always welcome to visit our Child Care facilities and stay as long as your child needs you to be comfortable.