FCCOG Women’s Fellowship Board July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025
President | Car Westbrook |
Treasurer | Pat Larrabee |
Secretary | (Volunteers welcome!) |
Rummage Room Co-Chairs | Ginny Breismeister and Mariann Ekernas |
Rummage Room Treasurer | Erna Olson |
Allocations | Sheila Bennett |
Kettle Quilters | Betsy Kreuter |
Nominating | (Volunteers welcome! |
Program | (Volunteers welcome!) |
Soup Sale | Sue Wilder and Pat Larrabee |
Women’s Fellowship Yearbook 2023-2024
Ongoing Groups
If you are a woman and a member of our church then you are a part of Women’s Fellowship! Our mission is to bring together the women of the church through social events, service projects, and educational opportunities.
We are an inter-generational group with a big history. Women have always made up a very important part of the Christian church and it is no different here at First Congregational. Since its founding, the women of the congregation have been a strong asset, a big part of the leadership, and brought a vibrant spirit to our common life.
Through our activities and meetings, we offer opportunities for worship, study, service and friendship. We hold annual events and ongoing groups (see below) and we run The Rummage Room, a very successful thrift store at 191 Sound Beach Ave., Old Greenwich. Proceeds from The Rummage Room go to support organizations that aid women and children. Through The Rummage Room, we help fund many worthwhile local national and international charities.
As women of First Congregational Church, our mission is to deepen and share our faith through:
- Outreach opportunities that contribute time, talent and treasure to our local and global communities.
- Programs that enrich the mind, body and spirit.
- Fellowship activities that foster community and support.
- Women’s Fellowship Annual Meeting
The $20 fee included a catered lunch and speakers from two of the agencies that received grants from us this year. Advance registration and payment are REQUIRED. The deadline for registration and payment was Sunday, May 20th, 2024. We hold a brief business meeting, elect our slate of officers, vote on Charitable Allocations and hear speakers from two of our recipient agencies.
- You could pay by cash, or if by check, make your checks out to: Women’s Fellowship FCCOG.
- New! You can pay using your credit card in MyFirstChurch (upper right of fccog.org homepage
) sign in, select Giving / Give Online, fill in the amount, click Select a Fund, then choose either:
- Quilt Raffle Ticket or
- In Honor Of, then fill in the Optional Memo field with: “Women’s Fellowship-luncheon” or “Women’s Fellowship-Soup Sale“, depending on the occasion.
- If you’ve never used MyFirstChurch before, scroll down to
Click here, and fill out your info. It will take a day or so for verification that you are a member or our church, so please allow enough time.
Date: (2025 date to be determined)
Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm; Quilt Raffle after lunch
Location: AuditoriumNOTE: Our annual quilt to be raffled is displayed at Community Hour on Sundays and in the Rummage Room window M-Th in early April-May. Quilt proceeds go to charities that support women, children, and families both locally and nationally. The lovely 2025 design is shown below. More details are coming.
- “Souper Bowl” Sunday Fundraiser is February 9, 2025
Our 11th annual Soup Sale is our only planned fundraiser for the year. We make our favorite soup or chili recipes, label and package them in quart sized containers and sell them during Community Hour. Enjoy while you’re watching the Super Bowl or keep for a later date. The Soup Sale is chaired by Sue Wilder.
Date: Sunday, February 9, 2025 (AKA Super Bowl Sunday)
Time: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Location: Auditorium- Monthly Beach Outings 2024
We had 3 monthly beach outings last summer! All women in our Church and your guests are invited to bring your own picnic and beverage. We meet at the Sue H. Baker Pavilion since it has chairs for better back comfort. For those who live outside Greenwich, we will meet to carpool in the Church parking lot at 5:15 pm in the car of a Greenwich resident with a beach pass. IF YOU NEED TO CARPOOL, please let Car Westbrook know. Her email is in the Friday email blast.
Dates: Mondays – June 24, July 22 and August 26, 2024, with rain dates the next day, respectively.
Time: 5:30 pm
Location: The Sue H. Baker Pavilion at The Old Barn at Greenwich Point (See map)
Ongoing Groups
Kettle Quilters
Quilters of all experience levels meet Thursdays from 9:30 am – 11:30 in Rick’s Room to stitch a one of a kind queen-sized heirloom quilt that is raffled off at our Annual Meeting in May. With warm thoughts and prayers, our quilters gather together to complete our annual quilt and socialize. You don’t have to be a member of our church to join in – all are welcome!
Please contact Betsy Kreuter for more information. -