The Kettle Quilters at FCCOG had their first meeting Monday, April 23, 1973. The ladies worked during school hours, brought a sandwich and put a kettle on for tea at noon. They used to stitch in room 303 (now Craig’s office) and sometimes had two quilts on frames in that space. The name Kettle Quilters came from making a cup of tea at noon.
The quilters started by quilting for each other and for anyone for a modest price. This quickly grew into making quilts for the Women’s Fellowship Antique Shows 1974 – 1990. New England antiques dealers displayed their wares but the highlight of the show was the raffle of the handmade quilt. Other community benefactors have been the Perrot Library and Hill House.
Since 1991 the Women’s Fellowship has raffled a quilt each spring at the Annual Meeting and Luncheon. The annual antique show is gone, but proceeds from the raffle funds and Rummage Room profits are still allocated to charities to support the needs of women and children.
we’ve made over 180 quilts in the 40+ years. You will enjoy looking at the photos of these quilts and the quilters featured in the photos.
We meet every week on Mondays mornings in the Binney Conference Room, and Tuesday evenings at Inge’s home until September. Call Inge Thalheim to confirm our schedule. We always welcome new stitchers.
(Click to enlarge and see captions.)