Ever aware of our needs we acknowledge as our Biblical mandate the call to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, receive the stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick and visit the prisoner. – Matthew 25:35
Our church’s mission is to proclaim the gospel to all people and to work for the promotion of justice, the reign of peace, and human understanding in all our relationships. We strive through our example to overcome exclusionary practices, discrimination and violence in our society based upon considerations, including but not limited to race, ancestry, age, physical or mental limitations, gender, sexual orientation, social or economic class, and religious background. We commit ourselves to work towards ending hatred, prejudice and discrimination, thereby providing a safe physical, emotional and spiritual haven. As Jesus accepted and included all people, so do we as individuals and as a congregation welcome all who wish to enter our community of faith and invite their participation in the full life of the church. Without exception, we accept each person who joins our community of faith, as an individual and our equal within God’s family.
Therefore, The First Congregational Church of Greenwich declares itself to be open and affirming; open to all for participation, membership, leadership and employment, and affirming all who wish to join us as children of God. We continue to give thanks for God’s guidance in our journey of faith.
Adopted by the Congregation in a Special Meeting on March 9, 2003