Oral Histories

The Historical Committee has scanned our older oral histories.  New interviews are coming.  The Date column is the date of the interview.

(All are in pdf format.  Click the Interviewee’s name to see the interview.)

Interviewee Date Topics
Rev. Sally Colegrove and Rev. Susie Craig 2024 Sally is our Pastor Emerita, here from 1978-2003. Susie was Associate Pastor from 1992-2007. They tell of the “impossible”, amazing and heart-warming story of a group of Ukrainian students and 3 adults who visited the USA in 1990.
Rosemary Lamie 2022 Rosemary Lamie began as Church School Co-Coordinator for two years. She later became Director of Family Ministries and retired in 2022 as Faith Formation and Education Coordinator.
Rev. Dr. Tom Stiers 2014 Our pastor from 1977-2003, who initiated the Pastor’s Advisory Committee, the parish nurse, the Columbarium, a new organ and the policy of Open and Affirming.
Rev. Sally Colegrove 2014 Our pastor from 1978-2003 who grew up in our church and did much for the youth program, confirmation, shows and international mission trips; her memories of the 300th Anniversary of First Church, Richard Vogt, and the 1981 British Festival.
Rev. Dale M. Greene 2012 Our first woman pastor in the 1980’s: fighting prejudice, the AIDS crisis, sex education, began a singles group, organizing Herman Reissig’s Memorial Service, Richard Vogt and Dave Brubeck.
Rev. Dr. Herman Reissig 1965 Herman’s Charge to the Pastor at Tom Stiers’ Ordination in May, 1965
Rev. Dr. Herman Reissig 1985 Memorial Service and Tributes to him; Speakers: Rev. A. J. (Dell) Buttrey, Rev. Ray Gibbons, Rev. Dale M. Greene, Rev. L. Alexander (Zan) Harper, Rev. R. Alan Johnson.
Rev. Allan Lorimer UNK 1927. How he began here as a first-year seminary student; how he helped with the purchase of Binney Park.
Rev. Allan Lorimer 1977 1931. The preacher and the KKK – his first testing
Helen Sickels Hull Allen 1989 1942+. Rev. Dr. Herman Reissig, Rev. Dr. Vincent Daniels, the first choir of six people, buying stone for the expansion of the Meetinghouse, Edmund Sickels, Duke Potter, Merton Libby, Bob Croskery, Zan Harper.
Helen Binney Kitchel   1888-1950’s? Childhood in Greenwich, activist to get town’s name of Sound Beach changed to Old Greenwich, influence in buying parcels of Binney Park, politics, etc.
Jackson Smith 1990 The expansion of the Meetinghouse in 1960-62 from an architect point of view, ushering, the 1984 liftevator.
Carolyn Colegrove 1990 1927+. The last days of Dr. Barney in our church. (Excerpts from her book.)
Dexter Bruce 1989 1948 – 1992. Days of huge Sunday School, Dr. Vincent Daniels, teaching Sunday School, Congregators, organ, etc.
Emily Close Lent 1982 Childhood in early 1900’s, Allan Lorimer, Alden Mosshammer, Dr. Vincent Daniels, College and University Loan Fund, Sunday School teaching, Mission Mart, etc.
Dr. Ida Scudder 1979 Our church Missionary in India 1931-1970
Dr. Ida Scudder 1979 Student at Mount Holyoke 1921-1925, her missionary family
Warren Dennison 1989 1951-1960’s. Growth of the choir, separate youth services, Tom Stiers, Duke Potter, Vincent Daniels, Pilgrim Towers, turning the church around, Merton Libby, joining the UCC in 1960, church properties owned & sold.
Mary C. Ford 1907 This is a book edited by our Rev. H. Martin Kellogg, not an oral interview.  Mary devoted her life to helping others in our town.  She participated in the break of the Pilgrim Church from our church.