Chapel Window 4
Left: In memory of Dr. DeWitt Eggleston, Pastor, given by his granddaughter, Mrs. Chandler Withington
Right: In memory of our parents, given by James and Iimogene Kratzer
Left lancet
The top of this window shows the Gothic stone church, which was dedicated in 1895. It is the core of our current Meetinghouse. This last window in the chapel brings our church history up to the present. The Reverend DeWitt Eggleston (1828 – 1939), shown center left, was pastor from 1894 to 1910. He was the first minister to preach in the new stone church, shown above. The ladies seen in the lower left predella are packing barrels for missionaries. This reveals the missionary spirit of our church during the hundred years of great missionary outreach and expansion. Right lancet In 1930-31 the Parish House, shown in the upper right, was built in memory of Edwin (“June”) Binney, Jr. and has served as a recreational, social, religious and cultural center for the whole community. The cultural scene in the right center lancet shows the young people of our church celebrating Easter at a Sunrise Service at Greenwich Point. Tomorrow is bright with promise when youth faces the future with faith. The present church is depicted in the lower right predella. The expansion of the original stone Meetinghouse, doubling the seating capacity, was started in October of 1960 and rededicated in February of 1962. Several new Sunday School rooms were added in the undercroft. Our faith Meetinghouse, serene in its landscaped setting, is a physical symbol of our fellowship, a finger of our faith pointing Godward. |