Our Stained Glass Windows

Chapel Window 3

In appreciation of First Congregational Church of Greenwich by a member of the parish

Left lancet

Shown in the top left, in 1735 another Meetinghouse, the gallery church, was built in the same location of the previous one, at the intersection of Tomac and Lockwood Road. It differed a foot in length and breadth and rose to a height that would accommodate a gallery.

The central figure in the left lancet is the Reverend Ephraim Bostwick (1706 – 1755), who served as pastor of our church for at least thirteen years (1733-1746). He was a graduate of Yale College, class of 1729.

The scene in the lower left is Greenwich Point which was the special purchase of Elizabeth Fones Winthrop Feake from the native people on July 18, 1640. Its beauty brought peace of mind to the struggling pioneers, and today its beauty is an inspiration to all those who behold it.

Right lancet

In the center of the right lancet is the church of 1837, which was built on Sound Beach Avenue on the south side of the present cemetery. This was a white church building with Doric pillars and Greek Revival in architectural design.  Its pews had room for about 60 people.

In the right predella is the Morning Star. This ship was bought and outfitted with money collected from children from all over the country and in other countries as well. Boys and girls from our church Sunday School helped fund this boat which sent missionaries with the Gospel to the Islands in the Pacific, now known as the Micronesian Islands. Children gave one dime at a time until $30,000 was raised. The first ship set sail from Boston in 1856. Over the next 100 years there were five versions of the Morning Star.